
Sea buckthorn fruit whip

  • 475 milliliters (2 cups) sea buckthorn
  • 2 (2) pasteurized egg whites
  • 37.5 grams (3 tablespoons) sugar
  • 9 grams (1 tablespoon) powdered gelatin
  • 120 milliliters (0.5 cup) cold water for soaking gelatin


  • Blender

    Essential for mashing the sea buckthorn berries into a smooth puree. Make sure to clean it thoroughly to avoid any unwanted flavors.

  • Sieve

    Needed to remove seeds from the berry puree. Choose a fine mesh sieve for the best texture.

  • Electric Mixer

    Crucial for whipping egg whites to firm peaks. A stand mixer can make the job easier, but a hand mixer works just as well.

  • Mixing Bowls

    You'll need separate bowls for the berries, egg whites, and gelatin. Glass or stainless steel bowls are the easiest to clean.

  • Spatula

    Ideal for gently folding the puree with the whipped egg whites. Silicone spatulas are flexible and easy to handle.


Step 1

1. Mash the sea buckthorn berries with a blender and then pass the puree through a sieve to remove the seeds. Tip: If the puree seems too thick, you can add a small amount of water to help with the sieving process.

Step 2

2. Soak the powdered gelatin in cold water and let it sit until it becomes spongy.

Step 3

3. While the gelatin is soaking, whip the egg whites with sugar until firm peaks form. Tip: Ensure your mixing bowl and beaters are clean and free of grease to achieve the best volume.

Step 4

4. Gently fold the sea buckthorn puree into the whipped egg whites. Tip: Use a spatula to fold in the puree carefully to avoid deflating the whipped whites.

Step 5

5. Dissolve the gelatin by heating it gently over a warm bath and then gradually trickle it into the mixture, stirring continuously.

Step 6

6. Pour the mixture into glasses where chocolate sponge has already been placed in advance. Tip: Ensure the glasses are chilled for a better set.

Step 7

7. Place the glasses in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to set. Tip: Garnish with fresh berries or a sprig of mint before serving for an added touch.

Step 8

8. You can use any kind of berries you like!


Serving this Sea Buckthorn Fruit Whip opens up a world of delightful possibilities! For a simple yet elegant presentation, spoon the mixture into individual glasses and top with a few fresh berries or a sprig of mint. If you're aiming for a more elaborate setup, consider layering the whip with chocolate or vanilla sponge cake in a trifle dish, creating beautiful and tasty dessert layers. For festive occasions, you might sprinkle some edible flowers or gold leaf for a touch of luxury. Don't be afraid to get creative; this recipe pairs wonderfully with everything from a rich chocolate sauce to a dollop of whipped cream. For an added crunch, toss in some crushed nuts or granola. Internationally, this dessert finds its place alongside a variety of teas or dessert wines, making it a versatile addition to your culinary repertoire.


Looking to make this recipe gluten-free or vegan? No problem! For a gluten-free version, ensure any sponge cake you use is made from gluten-free flour. As for a vegan twist, replace the egg whites with aquafaba (the liquid from canned chickpeas) and use agar-agar instead of gelatin. The sea buckthorn puree remains the star of the show, delivering its tangy goodness without any compromise.


  • How do I know when the egg whites have reached firm peaks?

    You’ll see the egg whites standing straight up in stiff, glossy points when you lift the beaters out of the bowl.

  • Can I use frozen sea buckthorn berries?

    Yes, just thaw them completely before mashing to ensure a smooth puree.

  • What is the best method for dissolving gelatin?

    Sprinkle the gelatin over the cold water and let it sit for a few minutes, then heat gently until fully dissolved.

  • How can I prevent my whip from collapsing?

    Fold gently and don’t over-mix the puree with the whipped egg whites to maintain the airy texture.

  • Can I make this dessert ahead of time?

    Absolutely! Prepare it a day in advance and keep it refrigerated until you’re ready to serve.

  • Is there a way to enhance the flavor of the sea buckthorn?

    Try adding a splash of lemon juice or a bit of zest; it can really make the flavors pop!

Nutrition facts

Sea buckthorn fruit whip
Recipe Yield:4 servings
Calories:Approximately 80 calories per serving
Calories (Min - Max):60 - 100
Total Fat:0.2 grams
Saturated Fat:0 grams
Protein:2.5 grams
Total Carbohydrate:12 grams
Total Sugars:11 grams