
Sponge biscuit base

  • 100 grams (3.55 ounces) sugar
  • 95 grams (3.35 ounces) milk
  • 65 grams (2.30 ounces) flour
  • 20 grams (0.70 ounces) corn starch
  • 20 grams (0.70 ounces) melted butter
  • 20 grams (0.70 ounces) vegetable oil (olive/sunflower)
  • 20 grams (0.70 ounces) cocoa powder
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 teaspoon wine vinegar (up to 6%)
  • 4 grams (0.15 ounces) baking powder
  • 0.5 teaspoon (0.05 ounces) baking soda
  • Vanilla (to taste)

Dark chocolate mousse

  • 150 grams (5.3 ounces) dark chocolate (up to 60% cocoa content)
  • 150 grams (5.3 ounces) cream (30%+)
  • 10 grams (0.35 ounces) butter
  • 15 grams (0.55 ounces) Baileys
  • 2 grams (0.07 ounces) gelatin

Milk chocolate mousse

  • 150 grams (5.3 ounces) milk chocolate
  • 150 grams (5.3 ounces) cream (30%+)
  • 10 grams (0.35 ounces) butter
  • 15 grams (0.55 ounces) Baileys
  • 2 grams (0.07 ounces) gelatin

White chocolate-sea buckthorn mousse

  • 100 grams (3.55 ounces) sugar
  • 30 grams (1.05 ounces) water
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 100 grams (3.55 ounces) mascarpone
  • 80 grams (2.80 ounces) sea buckthorn puree
  • 6 grams (0.20 ounces) gelatin
  • 100 grams (3.55 ounces) cream (33%+)
  • 50 grams (1.75 ounces) white chocolate


  • 100 grams (3.55 ounces) sea buckthorn puree
  • 50 grams (1.75 ounces) water
  • 70 grams (2.45 ounces) sugar
  • 3 grams (0.10 ounces) gelatin


  • Mixing Bowls

    Having a variety of mixing bowls in different sizes makes the preparation process smoother. Stainless steel or glass are ideal materials to use.

  • Hand Mixer

    A hand mixer is essential for achieving the perfect texture in your mousse and whipped cream. Make sure to clean the beaters thoroughly between uses.

  • 16 cm Springform Pan

    This will help you achieve the perfect shape and height for your cake. Lining it with acetate foil ensures smooth layered edges.

  • Wire Rack

    Use this for cooling your sponge biscuit. Elevation allows for even cooling, which is crucial for maintaining the texture.


Step 1

Hello everyone! I have a new recipe for you! I really love the bright natural orange color. I also adore chocolate. That's how I got the idea of ​​such a crazy bright cake. An incredible combination of three different chocolate tastes - dark, milk, and white - with a pleasant sea buckthorn sourness will not leave anyone indifferent. Tip: Use a 16 cm (6.3 inch) mold for the best results.

Step 2

Preheat your oven to 180°C (356°F).

Step 3

In a bowl, whisk together all the dry ingredients for the sponge biscuit base: sugar, flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder, and vanilla. Tip: Sifting the dry ingredients can help ensure a smoother batter.

Step 4

Add the liquid ingredients (melted butter, vegetable oil, milk, and egg yolks) to the dry mixture. Mix at a slow speed until smooth. Finally, add the vinegar and stir. The dough will be quite runny.Tip: Mixing at a slow speed helps incorporate air for a lighter sponge.

Step 5

Pour the batter into the mold and bake for 30 to 35 minutes. Tip: Baking times can vary, so check for doneness by inserting a toothpick into the center; it should come out clean.

Step 6

Remove from the oven, turn the mold over onto a wire rack, and let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes. While the cake is still hot, crumble it and mix with finely chopped dark chocolate. Press this mixture into the bottom of a 16 cm (6.3 inch) mold lined with acetate foil. Refrigerate for an hour or freeze for 20 minutes until set.

Step 7

For the dark chocolate mousse, combine 50 grams (1.75 ounces) of hot cream with the dark chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl. Heat in short pulses until melted, then add the butter and Baileys, stirring until smooth and glossy. Add the soaked and squeezed gelatin. Whisk the remaining 100 grams (3.55 ounces) of cream to soft peaks and fold into the chocolate mixture in two stages. Pour over the biscuit base and freeze for 15 to 20 minutes until set.

Step 8

Prepare the milk chocolate mousse similarly to the dark chocolate mousse. Pour the milk chocolate mousse over the set dark chocolate layer and freeze until firm.

Step 9

For the white chocolate-sea buckthorn mousse, boil water and sugar to 121°C (250°F) to make a syrup. Whip the egg yolks while slowly pouring in the syrup until the mixture cools. Soak the gelatin and dissolve it in sea buckthorn puree by gently heating without boiling. Stir in the white chocolate until smooth. Gradually mix the mascarpone with the whipped yolks, then fold in the sea buckthorn mixture. Whisk the cream to soft peaks and combine with the mixture in two stages. Pour over the milk chocolate layer and freeze until firm.

Step 10

To make the jelly, mix sea buckthorn puree, water, and sugar, then bring to a boil. Cool to 70°C (158°F) and add the gelatin. Cool to room temperature before pouring over the frozen white chocolate-sea buckthorn layer.

Step 11

Refrigerate the assembled cake overnight. In the morning, remove the ring mold and acetate film. Decorate the cake as desired.

Step 12

Enjoy your delicious, multi-layered mousse cake! Tip: Use high-quality chocolate for the best flavor and texture.


After the cake has set and you've removed the ring mold and acetate film, the fun really begins. Why not go all out with the decoration? Fresh sea buckthorn berries add a burst of color and a touch of seasonal flavor that perfectly complements the chocolate layers. For an added crunch, sprinkle some crushed nuts or cocoa nibs on top. This cake pairs wonderfully with a cup of dark coffee or a glass of dessert wine. If you're serving this cake at a party, try cutting it into small, elegant slices and plating each piece with a drizzle of sea buckthorn syrup. You could even add a dollop of lightly whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side. The cold ice cream contrasts beautifully with the rich, creamy mousse layers. For a whimsical touch, dust the top with a bit of edible gold leaf. Believe me, it's worth the extra effort for that wow-factor. No matter how you choose to serve it, this Triple Chocolate Sea Buckthorn Cake promises to impress and delight anyone lucky enough to get a slice.


For a gluten-free version, simply replace the flour in the sponge biscuit base with a gluten-free flour blend. Ensure the baking powder is gluten-free as well to avoid any gluten contamination. To make this dessert vegan, swap out the cream for a high-fat plant-based alternative, such as coconut cream. Use vegan butter and Baileys Almande for the mousse. Replace the egg yolks in all layers with an equivalent amount of aquafaba (chickpea cooking water), and use agar-agar instead of gelatin. As for the chocolate, make sure to choose dairy-free, vegan-certified dark, milk, and white chocolates.


  • How do I know when my sponge biscuit is baked?

    You can use a toothpick to test the center of the sponge. If it comes out clean or with just a few crumbs, it’s done.

  • Can I use regular vinegar instead of wine vinegar?

    Yes, you can substitute regular white vinegar, but use it sparingly as its flavor is stronger.

  • How long should I soak the gelatin in water?

    Typically, 20 minutes is sufficient for the gelatin to fully swell and be ready to use.

  • Can I prepare any of the components in advance?

    Yes, you can prepare the sponge base and chocolate mousses a day ahead. Just keep them well covered and refrigerated.

  • How do I avoid lumps in my mousse?

    Ensure that your chocolate mixture is completely smooth before folding in the whipped cream. Adding the cream in two stages also helps.

  • What is the best way to cut the finished cake?

    Use a hot knife (dip it in hot water and wipe dry) for clean, smooth cuts. Wipe the blade between each slice for best results.

Nutrition facts

Recipe Yield:1 cake (16 cm / 6.3 inch diameter)
Calories:3500-4000 calories per cake
Calories (Min - Max):3500 - 4000
Total Fat:250g
Saturated Fat:150g
Total Carbohydrate:300g
Total Sugars:250g