Three-Ingredient Strawberry Ice Cream


  • 300 grams (10.5 ounces) strawberries
  • 220 grams (7.5 ounces) sweetened condensed milk
  • 450 milliliters (2 cups) heavy cream (33% fat)


  • Immersion Blender

    Essential for blending the strawberries smoothly. Tip: Make sure to rinse it well after use to prevent the blade from dulling.

  • Heavy-Duty Whisk or Mixer

    You'll need this to whip the heavy cream to perfection. A stand mixer can save you time and effort!

  • Freezer-Safe Mold

    Choose a mold with a lid to prevent freezer burn. Pro Tip: Silicone molds can make unmolding a breeze.


Step 1

Thaw the strawberries, blend them with an immersion blender, and cook for a few minutes to evaporate excess liquid. Let them cool.
Whip the heavy cream well, then add the sweetened condensed milk and strawberry puree. Mix thoroughly.
Pour the mixture into a mold and place it in the freezer for 5 hours. Stir the mixture every hour.


Serving Suggestions & Ideas 🌟

When it's time to serve your Strawberry Cream Pastries, the possibilities are endless! Here's how to make this dessert even more delightful:

🌿 Garnish with Fresh Mint: Add a sprig of mint on top of each serving for a refreshing burst of flavor.

🍫 Chocolate Drizzle: Melt some dark chocolate and drizzle it over the frozen dessert just before serving. The combination of strawberry and chocolate never fails!

🍨 Serve with a Scoop: Turn it into a fancy dessert by adding a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side.

🫐 Berry Medley: Surround your pastry with an assortment of fresh berries—blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries—to enhance the fruity experience.

Pair with Coffee: Enjoy this treat with a cup of hot coffee for a delightful contrast of temperatures.


Gluten-Free & Vegan Variations 🌿

Make this recipe inclusive by trying these easy swaps:

🌾 Gluten-Free: Luckily, this recipe is already gluten-free! Just make sure all your ingredients are certified gluten-free.

🌱 Vegan: Substitute the heavy cream with a plant-based whipping cream, like coconut cream. Use a vegan sweetened condensed milk alternative. The results will still be creamy and delicious!

🥥 Tip: Coconut cream might give a slight coconut flavor, which can complement the strawberry nicely!


  • Do I need to thaw the strawberries before blending?

    Yes, thawing the strawberries will make them easier to blend and ensure a smoother puree.

  • What if I don't have an immersion blender?

    You can use a regular blender or even a food processor to blend the strawberries.

  • Can I use fresh strawberries instead of frozen ones?

    Absolutely! Fresh strawberries work just as well, just ensure to wash and hull them first.

  • How can I tell if my heavy cream is whipped enough?

    The cream should form stiff peaks when the whisk is lifted. It should be fluffy but not overwhipped to the point of becoming butter.

  • How often should I stir the mixture in the freezer?

    Stirring every hour prevents ice crystals from forming, giving you a smoother texture.

  • Can I add other flavors to the mixture?

    Yes! Feel free to experiment by adding a splash of vanilla extract or even a hint of lemon zest for some extra zing.

Nutrition facts

Three-Ingredient Strawberry Ice Cream
Recipe Yield:6 servings
Calories:Approximate calories per serving
Calories (Min - Max):300 - 350
Total Fat:20g
Saturated Fat:12g
Total Carbohydrate:28g
Total Sugars:26g