

Step 1

1. Let's give the floor to the pastry chef: "Today I would like to share this amazing souffle recipe. I have a blueberry souffle in this particular case, but you can also choose any other flavor you like!"

Step 2

2. You will need: 100 grams (3.55 oz) blueberries (or any other berries / fruits), 70 grams (2.45 oz) cream 33-35%, and 150 grams (5.30 oz) mascarpone. Whip all these ingredients with a mixer until smooth and creamy. Tip: Ensure your mascarpone is at room temperature for easier blending.

Step 3

3. For the syrup, you need: 350 grams (12.35 oz) sugar, 110 grams (3.90 oz) egg whites, 8 grams (0.30 oz) agar, 230 grams (8.10 oz) water, and 2 grams (0.05 oz) lemon acid. Pour the agar into the cold water. Place the saucepan on the heat and warm the mixture up to 85°C (185°F). Add the sugar, and bring the mixture to a boil; cook until it reaches 110°C (230°F). Meanwhile, put the egg whites and the lemon acid into a mixer bowl, and whip until fluffy and foamy. Tip: Use a kitchen thermometer to accurately monitor the syrup temperature.

Step 4

4. Once the syrup has reached the necessary temperature, start gradually pouring it into the egg whites, whipping the mixture for about 2 to 3 more minutes. Tip: Ensure you pour the syrup in slowly to avoid deflating the whipped egg whites.

Step 5

5. Combine the blueberry mixture with the syrup, and mix well using a silicone spatula. Prepare a baking pan in advance and line it with baking paper, plastic wrap, or foil. Pour the souffle mixture into the pan and spread it evenly. Place the souffle in the fridge for about 30 to 60 minutes to stabilize. Tip: For a firmer result, leave the souffle to chill for the full 60 minutes.

Step 6

6. Finally, cut the souffle into pieces. You can also cover them with cookie crumbs, cocoa powder, or any other topping to your taste. Enjoy! Tip: For a decorative touch, dust with powdered sugar before serving.


The magic of a great souffle lies in its versatility and ability to be the star of any occasion. If you're hosting a cozy brunch, serve this blueberry souffle with a dollop of freshly whipped cream and a handful of mint leaves. It adds that extra touch of freshness everyone will adore. For a more elegant dinner party, plate the souffle with a drizzle of berry coulis and a sprinkling of powdered sugar. This will not only enhance the flavors but also add a beautiful visual contrast to your dessert. If you crave a bit of crunch, serve each piece with a light dusting of cookie crumbs or a sprinkle of granola. The added texture provides a delightful bite, making each spoonful an adventurous mix of creamy and crunchy. Whether it's a Sunday family meal or a festive celebration, this souffle can adapt to any menu.



For a gluten-free version, make sure your baking pan lining is free from any gluten-containing ingredients. The rest of the recipe is naturally gluten-free, so no extra adjustments are needed! To make a vegan variation, replace the egg whites with aquafaba, the liquid from a can of chickpeas, which whips up similar to egg whites. Opt for a dairy-free cream and vegan mascarpone, readily available in most health food stores. The procedure remains the same, and the outcome is just as fabulous!


  • Why did my souffle not rise properly?

    Make sure your egg whites are whipped to stiff peaks and avoid opening the oven door during cooking.

  • Can I use frozen berries for this recipe?

    Yes, just be sure to thaw and drain them completely before use to avoid extra moisture.

  • How do I know when my syrup is ready?

    The syrup should reach the temperature of 110C (230F); using a candy thermometer is best for accuracy.

  • Can I prepare the souffle mixture in advance?

    It's best to whip the egg whites and make the syrup just before combining and baking for optimal texture.

  • How can I make the souffle to be more stable?

    Ensure your baking pan is properly lined and chill the souffle for the recommended time to set it correctly.

  • What's the best way to store leftover souffle?

    Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days, though it's best enjoyed fresh.

Nutrition facts

Blueberry souffle
Recipe Yield:12 servings
Calories:Approximately 115 calories per serving
Calories (Min - Max):105 - 125
Total Fat:6g
Saturated Fat:3.5g
Total Carbohydrate:12g
Total Sugars:10g