
For the crust:

1 1/4 cups (160 grams) all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon sugar
7 tablespoons (100 grams) cold butter
Pinch of salt
2 tablespoons cold water
1 egg, plus an additional yolk for brushing
We recommend:

For the filling:

Assorted fruits and berries, to taste
1/2 cup (100 grams) ricotta cheese (or use cottage cheese or mascarpone)
2 tablespoons sugar
Vanilla extract or a pinch of vanilla powder
We recommend:


Step 1

Prepare the crust:

In a bowl, combine the flour, sugar, salt, and egg.
Grate the cold butter into the mixture or chop it finely with a knife.
Mix until the texture resembles coarse meal with small pieces of butter.
Add the cold water and knead the dough until it starts to come together. If the dough is too sticky, add a bit more flour.
Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 20-30 minutes.

Step 2

Prepare the filling:

Slice the fruits and berries thinly.
In a bowl, mix the ricotta cheese with sugar and vanilla extract or powder.

Step 3

Assemble the galette:

Preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C).
Roll out the chilled dough to the desired size and thickness.
Spread the ricotta mixture over the crust, leaving a 1-inch (2 cm) border.
Arrange the sliced fruits and berries over the ricotta.
Fold the edges of the crust over the filling, creating a border.
Brush the crust with the egg yolk for a golden finish.

Step 4

Bake and finish:

Bake the galette in the preheated oven for about 40 minutes, until the crust is golden brown.
Garnish with fresh mint and a dusting of powdered sugar, if desired.


When serving your **Rustic Fruit Galette**, think of it as an opportunity to get creative and enhance the flavors. Here are some ideas to make your galette truly shine:

  • With Fresh Whipped Cream: Whip some heavy cream with a bit of sugar and vanilla extract. The light, airy cream perfectly complements the galette's rich, fruity flavors. 🥄
  • A Scoop of Ice Cream: A scoop of vanilla or almond ice cream adds a delightful contrast of hot and cold, melting slightly over the warm pastry. 🍨
  • Drizzle of Honey: For an extra touch of sweetness, drizzle some natural honey over the top before serving. Not only does it look beautiful, but it also adds a layer of flavor. 🍯
  • Dusting of Powdered Sugar: For a simpler, elegant presentation, a dusting of powdered sugar right before you serve gives a festive touch. ❄️

Have fun mixing and matching these ideas to find your favorite way to enjoy this delightful dessert!



  • Gluten-Free: Swap the all-purpose flour for a gluten-free blend. Ensure the butter and other ingredients are certified gluten-free to avoid cross-contamination.
  • Vegan: Replace the butter with a plant-based alternative, such as coconut oil or vegan butter. Substitute the egg with a flax egg (1 tablespoon of flaxseed meal + 3 tablespoons of water) and use a vegan ricotta or cream cheese for the filling. 🥥
  • Fruit Variations: Mix up the fruit combination. Try using peaches and raspberries in the summer, or apples and cranberries in the fall for a seasonal twist. 🍏


  • Why is my dough too sticky?

    If the dough is too sticky, it may need a bit more flour. Add it slowly, a tablespoon at a time, until it reaches the right consistency.

  • Do I need to pre-bake the crust?

    No, the galette crust does not need to be pre-baked. It will cook fully when you bake the assembled galette.

  • Can I use frozen fruits?

    Yes, you can use frozen fruits, but be sure to thaw and pat them dry to prevent excess moisture from making the crust soggy.

  • How to prevent a soggy bottom crust?

    Ensure your fruits are well-drained and not too moist. You can also sprinkle a thin layer of breadcrumbs or ground nuts under the ricotta filling to absorb extra moisture.

  • How do I store leftovers?

    Store your galette in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 days or in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

  • Can I make the dough in advance?

    Absolutely! You can prepare the dough and refrigerate it for up to 3 days or freeze it for up to a month. Just thaw in the fridge before using.

Nutrition facts

Fruit and Berry Galette with Ricotta
Recipe Yield:8 servings
Calories:Approx. 250 calories per serving
Calories (Min - Max):200 - 300
Total Fat:14g
Saturated Fat:8g
Total Carbohydrate:26g
Total Sugars:9g