
Batter (12 cupcakes)

  • 100 grams (3.5 ounces) flour
  • 45 grams (1.6 ounces) cocoa powder
  • 1.5 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 150 grams (5.3 ounces) sugar
  • 90 grams (3.2 ounces) sunflower oil
  • 2 large eggs
  • 100 grams (3.5 ounces/ approximately 1/2 cup) cream (33%)
  • 50 grams (1.76 ounces/ approximately 1/4 cup) boiling water
  • 3 teaspoons instant coffee


  • 300 grams (10.6 ounces) mascarpone
  • 100 grams (3.5 ounces/ approximately 1/2 cup) cream (33%)
  • 45 grams (1.6 ounces) powdered sugar


  • 80 grams (2.8 ounces) dark chocolate
  • 100 grams (3.5 ounces/ approximately 1/2 cup) cream (33%)

For decorating

  • Marshmallow (quantity as needed)


  • Mixing Bowls

    Use them for sifting dry ingredients and mixing your batter. Make sure they're large enough to prevent spillage.

  • Electric Mixer

    Essential for blending your ingredients to a smooth consistency, both for the batter and the frosting.

  • Piping Bag

    Helps in easily filling the cupcake molds. Opt for reusable silicone ones to be eco-friendlier.

  • Cupcake Molds

    Silicone or non-stick metal molds work best. Ensure your molds are filled up to 3/4 for perfect-sized cupcakes.

  • Wire Rack

    Allows the cupcakes to cool evenly, avoiding mushy bottoms.

  • Microwave

    Useful for melting chocolate and cream. Keep an eye on it to prevent overheating.


Step 1

1. Ensure all ingredients are at room temperature. Sift the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, salt, and sugar together. If you prefer a sweeter cupcake, you can add an additional 10 grams (0.35 ounces) of sugar.

Step 2

2. Using a mixer on low speed, add in the sunflower oil, eggs, and cream. Brew the instant coffee in the boiling water and then add it to the batter. Mix until well combined.

Step 3

3. Transfer the batter to a piping bag and fill the cupcake molds three-quarters full. Preheat your oven to 356°F (180°C) and bake for 20-25 minutes. Check for doneness with a toothpick; it should come out clean. Once baked, remove the cupcakes from the oven and let them cool on a wire rack.

Step 4

4. To prepare the ganache, heat the chocolate and cream in the microwave, stirring frequently to avoid scorching. Mix until smooth and homogeneous.

Step 5

5. For the frosting, combine the mascarpone, cream, and powdered sugar in a bowl. Beat lightly on a low to medium speed until just combined. Be careful not to overbeat, as the mixture can become too thin.

Step 6

6. Roast the marshmallows until caramelized. Cut out the centers of the cupcakes and fill them with the ganache. Frost the cupcakes with the mascarpone cream mixture and garnish with the caramelized marshmallows. You can also use any leftover ganache for additional decoration.


Have you ever thought about the perfect way to enjoy these Chocolate Heaven Cupcakes? Let’s explore some serving suggestions that will elevate your cupcake experience. Why not start with a casual afternoon tea? These cupcakes, with their rich flavor and fluffy mascarpone frosting, pair seamlessly with a robust Earl Grey tea. The subtle notes of bergamot in the tea work wonders with the dark chocolate ganache center. Hosting a party? Set up a DIY cupcake bar! Provide extra frosting, mini marshmallows, and sprinkles so guests can customize their cupcakes. It’s interactive and guarantees to be a hit among both kids and adults. If you're planning a romantic dinner, these cupcakes serve as the ultimate dessert. The combination of warm, gooey chocolate and a light, whipped frosting sets the perfect tone to end the evening. Serve with a glass of red wine for an elegant finish. No matter the occasion, these Chocolate Heaven Cupcakes are versatile and can be dressed up or down to suit your needs. Enjoy them warm or cold, as they are, or with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side. The choice is yours!


Looking for a gluten-free option? Simply replace the flour with a gluten-free baking mix. Ensure that all other ingredients, like baking powder, are certified gluten-free to avoid contamination. For a vegan version, swap out the eggs for a flaxseed mixture (1 tablespoon ground flax seeds + 3 tablespoons water = 1 egg), use a non-dairy cream for both the batter and frosting, and replace the mascarpone with a vegan cream cheese. Opt for dairy-free dark chocolate and you’re all set!


  • Why did my cupcakes turn out dense instead of fluffy?

    Overmixing the batter can cause the cupcakes to become dense. Mix just until the ingredients are combined.

  • Can I use regular sugar instead of powdered sugar for the frosting?

    No, powdered sugar is crucial for achieving a smooth, creamy texture in the frosting.

  • How can I ensure my ganache is smooth and not grainy?

    Make sure to gently heat the cream and chocolate. Overheating can cause the ganache to become grainy.

  • Can I make these cupcakes ahead of time?

    Absolutely! You can bake the cupcakes and make the ganache a day in advance. Store them separately and assemble them before serving for maximum freshness.

  • How can I store leftovers?

    Keep the cupcakes in an airtight container in the fridge for up to three days. Bring to room temperature before serving for the best texture.

  • Can I double the recipe?

    Yes, you can easily double the ingredients. Just ensure your mixing bowl and equipment are large enough to handle the increased volume.

Nutrition facts

Hot chocolate cupcakes with marshmallow
Recipe Yield:12 cupcakes
Calories:Approximately 250-300 calories per cupcake
Calories (Min - Max):250 - 300
Total Fat:19g
Saturated Fat:10g
Total Carbohydrate:22g
Total Sugars:15g