
Matcha Tea Ganache

  • 257 grams (9.05 ounces) cocoa
  • 13 grams (0.45 ounces) glucose syrup
  • 6 grams (0.20 ounces) sorbitol
  • 39 grams (1.4 ounces) cream (33%)
  • 6 grams (0.20 ounces) matcha powder
  • 52 grams (1.85 ounces) milk
  • 26 grams (0.90 ounces) cocoa butter

Pineapple Marmalade

  • 150 grams (5.3 ounces) pineapple puree
  • 90 grams (3.15 ounces) sugar
  • 3 grams (0.10 ounces) pectin NH
  • 1 gram (0.05 ounces) lemon acid
  • 2 grams (0.05 ounces) water


  • Blender

    A high-quality blender ensures your ganache and marmalade reach a perfectly smooth consistency. For best results, use one with variable speed settings.

  • Thermometer

    Temperature precision is key for this recipe, especially when mixing the ganache. A digital thermometer provides accurate readings to keep your mix at optimal emulsification temperature.

  • Molds

    Molds help shape your candies neatly. Silicone molds are often the easiest to use, and they offer easy release once the candies are set.

  • Flat Plate

    Used for cooling your pineapple marmalade. Choose a plate with a large surface area to cool the mixture quickly and evenly.


Step 1

The juicy and bright pineapple marmalade and the delicate matcha tea ganache suit each other perfectly. The filling is poured into truffle capsules; it’s also perfect for body candies. This recipe was inspired by the bright taste and flavor of freeze-dried pineapple. The matcha tea ganache complements this with its unique flavor.

Step 2

It’s extremely important to choose high-quality matcha tea. Real matcha has a delicate herbal flavor, is slightly creamy, and can give off the sweetness of flowers. It tastes slightly bitter but not overly so. If the matcha is very bitter, or has an unpleasant smell and taste, then it could be a low-grade matcha, which is cheaper but not suitable for desserts.

Step 3

For the Matcha Tea Ganache: Boil the cream and milk together. Add the sugar, stirring well, then add the matcha powder. Melt both the chocolate and cocoa butter separately, then mix them together. The mixing temperature for emulsion should be between 35-40°C (95-104°F). Blend the mixture until it achieves a smooth ganache consistency. Use it at a temperature of 28°C (82°F).
Ensure you keep an eye on the temperature for a smooth and shiny ganache.

Step 4

For the Pineapple Marmalade: Dissolve the lemon acid in hot water in advance. Combine the pectin with the sugar, then pour this mixture into the pineapple puree and mix well. Bring the mixture to a boil and heat for 3 minutes. Stir in the lemon solution. Pour the marmalade onto a flat plate to cool. Once cooled, blend the marmalade until it is smooth, then spread it into molds. Pour the ganache on top. After the ganache has stabilized, close the bottom of the candy. If using a capsule, apply a thin layer of tempered chocolate and roll it in pineapple powder.
Try pairing matcha with other fruits like cherry or lime for interesting flavor combinations.


The magic of this matcha and pineapple creation isn't just bound to traditional serving styles. Enjoy them in a variety of delightful ways! For a vibrant and aesthetically pleasing dessert platter, arrange the matcha and pineapple candies on a wooden board garnished with edible flowers and fresh mint leaves. The contrasting colors will make it an absolute show-stopper for any gathering, perfect for impressing guests at your next dinner party. Hosting a tea party? Pair your candies with a selection of herbal teas. The herbal notes in matcha will beautifully complement chamomile or jasmine tea, enhancing the overall flavor experience. Serve them alongside dainty finger sandwiches and a fruit platter to create the ultimate afternoon tea setup. For a more luxurious twist, consider using the matcha and pineapple fillings as cake decorations. Fill cupcake centers with the pineapple marmalade and top them with a swirl of matcha ganache for a taste explosion in every bite. It’s a simple way to elevate your everyday bakes into extraordinary treats. And for those who love frozen delights, mix the extra ganache with a bit of whipped cream, layer it with the marmalade in popsicle molds, and freeze. Voilà! You've got yourself a sophisticated, refreshing dessert that's perfect for summer days.


For a gluten-free version of this delightful recipe, ensure all ingredients, especially the pectin and glucose syrup, are certified gluten-free. The ganache and marmalade itself are naturally gluten-free, but it's always wise to double-check your sources! To make a vegan variation, swap out the cream and milk in the matcha ganache with plant-based alternatives such as coconut cream and almond milk. Be sure to use vegan-friendly chocolate and always read the labels on glucose syrup and pectin to confirm they are free from animal-derived ingredients.


  • How do I prevent my ganache from splitting?

    If your ganache looks grainy or split, it's likely a temperature issue. Make sure both your chocolate and cream mixture are within the same lukewarm temperature range before mixing. A gentle reheating and stirring can often restore a smooth consistency.

  • Can I use store-bought pineapple puree?

    Yes, you can use store-bought pineapple puree, but ensure it doesn’t contain added sugars or preservatives as they can affect the consistency and taste of your marmalade.

  • How long do these candies stay fresh?

    These candies can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. For best flavor, consume them within the first week.

  • Is there an alternative to pectin NH?

    Yes, you can use regular apple pectin or even cornstarch as a thickener, although the texture may differ slightly. Adjust quantities accordingly and test in small batches to achieve desired consistency.

  • What’s the best type of matcha to use?

    Opt for ceremonial-grade matcha, which is the highest quality with a delicate, creamy, and slightly sweet flavor. Avoid culinary-grade matcha as it may be too bitter for desserts.

  • How can I prevent my chocolate from seizing?

    Always ensure your utensils and bowls are completely dry before melting chocolate, as even a small amount of water can cause it to seize. Melt chocolate slowly over a bain-marie or in short bursts in the microwave to control the temperature.

Nutrition facts

Recipe Yield:20
Calories:Approximately 60 calories per serving
Calories (Min - Max):50 - 70
Total Fat:3g
Saturated Fat:2g
Total Carbohydrate:6g
Total Sugars:5g