

  • 150 grams (5.3 ounces) bitter chocolate
  • 75 grams (2.6 ounces) cream (33%)
  • 75 grams (2.6 ounces) blue cheese
  • 15 grams (0.5 ounces) cognac / brandy
  • 15 grams (0.5 ounces) butter
  • 100 grams (3.5 ounces) nuts


  • Saucepan

    Perfect for gently heating the cream without boiling it. A heavy-bottomed one works best to prevent scorching.

  • Mixing Bowl

    You'll need a heatproof bowl for combining the hot cream and chocolate. Glass or stainless steel are ideal.

  • Blender

    A hand blender is your best friend here for getting that smooth, velvety texture in your truffle mix.

  • Baking Sheet

    Use it to let your truffle mixture set and to roll the truffles in nut crumbs.

  • Refrigerator

    Ensuring your mixture stabilizes properly means plenty of chill time, so clear some space in your fridge.


Step 1

1. Bring the cream to a boil, but don’t let it boil over. Pour the hot cream over the finely broken chocolate and let it sit for a minute. Stir until smooth. Make sure the chocolate pieces are small to ensure they melt evenly.

Step 2

2. Add the softened butter, cognac, and crumbled blue cheese to the chocolate mixture. Blend until smooth and well combined. Cover with foil in contact and place in the fridge for 8 to 10 hours to set. For best results, use a high-quality blue cheese and a good quality chocolate.

Step 3

3. Fry the nuts in a dry pan until golden brown, then let them cool and grind into crumbs. Use a food processor for a fine consistency, or chop them by hand for a chunkier texture.

Step 4

4. Remove the truffle mixture from the fridge and let it sit at room temperature for about an hour. Form truffles weighing between 20 to 30 grams (0.70 to 1.05 ounces). Using a melon baller can help to form uniform truffles easily.

Step 5

5. Roll the truffles in the nut crumbs until they are well coated. Store the truffles in the fridge. Bon Appetit! To enhance the flavor, allow the truffles to sit at room temperature for 10-15 minutes before serving.


Imagine a cool evening with a cozy blanket and a plate of these Blue Cheese Truffles at your side. The rich chocolate and unique taste of blue cheese create a decadent pairing perfect for an after-dinner treat. Or, why not have them as part of a cheese board for a thoroughly gourmet experience? Add some dried fruits, assorted nuts, and a glass of fine cognac for a truly sophisticated touch. For a casual gathering, consider serving these truffles alongside a selection of fresh berries and whipped cream. Their unique flavor will be the talk of your gathering in no time!


If you're looking to make this recipe gluten-free, you’re in luck! The recipe as it stands is already gluten-free as none of the ingredients contain gluten. For a vegan version, you can swap out a few key ingredients: use a plant-based cream (like coconut or soy cream), vegan butter, and opt for a vegan blue cheese substitute. The truffles may have a slightly different texture but will remain just as delicious and impressive.


  • What type of chocolate should I use?

    Opt for high-quality bitter chocolate with at least 70% cocoa for the best results.

  • How do I know if the cream is hot enough?

    Heat the cream until it just begins to steam and tiny bubbles form around the edge of the saucepan, but do not let it come to a boil.

  • Can I use a different kind of cheese?

    Absolutely! If blue cheese isn't to your liking, try using a soft cheese like goat cheese for a milder flavor.

  • How long can I store these truffles?

    The truffles can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

  • Can I freeze the truffles?

    Yes, you can freeze them. Freeze on a baking sheet first, then transfer to a freezer-safe container. Thaw overnight in the fridge before serving.

  • How can I enhance the flavor further?

    Try adding a pinch of sea salt or a sprinkle of cayenne pepper to the chocolate mixture for an incredible flavor twist.

Nutrition facts

Men's truffles with dor blu cheese, cognac & bitter chocolate
Recipe Yield:20 truffles
Calories:Per truffle
Calories (Min - Max):90 - 120
Total Fat:8g
Saturated Fat:4g
Total Carbohydrate:5g
Total Sugars:3g