
Pistachio Ganache

130 grams (4.60 ounces) sugar
60 grams (2.10 ounces) water
80 grams (2.80 ounces) egg yolks
110 grams (3.90 ounces) butter
40 grams (1.40 ounces) pistachio paste
We recommend:


Step 1

Step 1: Whip the egg yolks in a mixer bowl until light and fluffy. Whipping the yolks well will help create a smooth and stable ganache.

Step 2

Step 2: In a small saucepan, combine the sugar and water. Place over medium heat and cook until the syrup reaches 120°C (248°F). Use a candy thermometer to accurately measure the temperature.

Step 3

Step 3: Slowly pour the hot syrup into the egg yolks in a thin stream while continuing to whip at a medium speed. Pour the syrup slowly to avoid scrambling the yolks.

Step 4

Step 4: Increase the mixer speed to high and whip until the mixture cools down to 40°C (104°F). It should look pale and creamy. If it doesn't cool down, place the bowl over an ice bath.

Step 5

Step 5: Gradually add the softened butter and pistachio paste to the yolk mixture in several passes, continuing to whip until fully incorporated and smooth. Ensure the butter is at room temperature for it to blend smoothly.

Step 6

Step 6: Stir the ganache gently to ensure it's evenly mixed, then refrigerate for several hours to stabilize. Chilling allows the flavors to meld and the texture to firm up.

Step 7

Step 7: Once chilled, the pistachio ganache is ready to be used as a filling for your macarons or any other pastry! Enjoy! You can store the ganache in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to one week.


Imagine serving your pistachio ganache-filled macarons at a sunny garden party 🌞🍃. The vibrant green of the pistachio filling against the pastel hues of the macaron shells is not just a feast for the taste buds but for the eyes too. Pair them with a light, sparkling wine or a refreshing iced tea for a delightful afternoon treat. On a cozier note, these macarons make an amazing addition to your Thanksgiving dessert spread 🦃🍂. They complement a cup of rich, dark coffee or a warm mug of spiced chai perfectly. If you're feeling creative, use this ganache as a decadent layer in cakes or a filling for éclairs. Trust me, your friends and family will be asking for your secret recipe! For an extra flair, sprinkle some **crushed pistachios** on top for garnish and added texture. Remember, presentation can make a delicious treat even more memorable.



A stand mixer is best, but a hand mixer will do the trick. Make sure your mixer has a whisk attachment for best results.

We recommend:
Cooking Thermometer

Precision is key when heating the sugar syrup. A digital thermometer can help you hit that 120C (248F) sweet spot easily.

We recommend:


Gluten-Free: Good news – this pistachio ganache is naturally gluten-free! Just ensure that any additional ingredients used in your desserts are also certified gluten-free. 🥳

Vegan Alternative: To make a vegan pistachio ganache, swap the regular butter with plant-based butter and replace the egg yolks with a vegan egg substitute. Aquafaba (chickpea brine) whipped with a bit of sugar can also work wonders. The result is a creamy, delicious ganache everyone can enjoy. 🌱🌟


  • How do I know when the sugar syrup is ready?

    Use a cooking thermometer and heat the sugar syrup until it reaches 120C (248F). This ensures the right consistency.

  • Can I use a hand mixer instead of a stand mixer?

    Yes, a hand mixer can be used, but it might take a bit longer. Make sure you have a whisk attachment for best results.

  • Why did my ganache turn out too runny?

    Make sure the mixture cools down to 40C (104F) before adding the butter and pistachio paste. Also, refrigerate the ganache for several hours to stabilize it.

  • Can I use different nuts instead of pistachios?

    Absolutely! Try almond or hazelnut paste for a different, yet equally tasty, twist on the ganache.

  • How long will the pistachio ganache keep in the refrigerator?

    The ganache can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week. Make sure to stir it well before using.

  • Can this ganache be frozen?

    Yes, you can freeze it for up to three months. Thaw it in the refrigerator and then let it come to room temperature before using.

Nutrition facts

Recipe Yield:Filling for approximately 20 macarons
Calories:Per Macaron
Calories (Min - Max):130 - 150
Total Fat:9g
Saturated Fat:5g
Total Carbohydrate:11g
Total Sugars:10g