

Step 1

Preparing the Base

Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F).
If you have pre-cut puff pastry, use it as is. If you have a whole sheet, roll it out but keep it thick. Cut it into your desired shapes.
Bake the pastry until golden and crisp, then let it cool.

Step 2

Making the Cream

While the pastry is baking, whip the heavy cream until stiff peaks form.
Add the cream cheese and sugar to the whipped cream and mix until smooth. Adjust sugar to taste.

Step 3

Assembling the Dessert

Spread the cream mixture onto the cooled puff pastry.
Top with fresh strawberries.
Your dessert is ready in just 30 minutes!


Serving Suggestions: 🍰🍓 Imagine enjoying this delightful strawberry cream puff pastry on a warm, sunny afternoon. These pastries are perfect for garden parties and brunches!
  • With a Dusting of Powdered Sugar

    For an extra touch of sweetness and a beautiful presentation, dust the tops with some powdered sugar right before serving. ✨

  • Alongside a Scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream

    Turn it into a sundae experience by adding a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side. The creamy ice cream pairs wonderfully with the light, airy pastry. 🍨

  • Drizzled with Chocolate Sauce

    Add an extra layer of indulgence by drizzling some melted chocolate over the top. This not only tastes delicious but also makes the dessert look even more mouth-watering. 🍫

  • Accompanied by Fresh Mint Leaves

    Garnish with a few fresh mint leaves for a pop of color and a hint of refreshing flavor. 🌿


Hand or Stand Mixer

This will make whipping the cream and mixing it with the cream cheese a breeze. If you don’t have one, a whisk and some elbow grease will do the trick!

We recommend:


Gluten-Free and Vegan Variations: 🌱💚 Craving a gluten-free or vegan version of this delightful dessert? We've got you covered!
  • Gluten-Free

    Simply swap the regular puff pastry with a gluten-free alternative. Many stores now offer gluten-free puff pastry sheets that work just as well. 🍞✨

  • Vegan

    For a vegan version, use a dairy-free puff pastry. For the cream filling, replace heavy cream with coconut cream and the cream cheese with a vegan cream cheese alternative. Use agave syrup or another vegan-friendly sweetener instead of sugar. 🥥💫


  • How do I know when the puff pastry is done baking?

    The puff pastry is ready when it turns golden brown and puffs up nicely. This usually takes around 15-20 minutes.

  • Can I use frozen puff pastry?

    Yes, frozen puff pastry works perfectly! Just make sure to thaw it according to the package instructions before using.

  • What's the best way to whip heavy cream?

    For best results, chill your mixing bowl and beaters in the fridge for about 15 minutes before whipping the cream. This helps it to whip up faster and achieve a nice, stiff peak.

  • Can I make the cream filling in advance?

    Yes, you can prepare the cream filling a day ahead and store it in the fridge. Just give it a quick whip before using to ensure it's smooth and fluffy.

  • How can I avoid the puff pastry getting soggy?

    Make sure the puff pastry is completely cooled before adding the cream filling. If you're not serving right away, wait to assemble the dessert until just before serving.

  • What other fruits can I use for the topping?

    Feel free to get creative! Blueberries, raspberries, and kiwi make excellent alternatives or additions to the strawberries. 🍇🥝

Nutrition facts

Quick Strawberry Pastry Dessert
Recipe Yield:4 servings
Calories:Per serving
Calories (Min - Max):300 - 350
Total Fat:24g
Saturated Fat:14g
Total Carbohydrate:20g
Total Sugars:14g