Raspberry Chocolate Tart: A Perfect Combo


For the Pastry Base

  • Flour 200 grams (7 ounces)
  • Powdered sugar 75 grams (2.5 ounces)
  • Butter 100 grams (3.5 ounces)
  • 1 egg
  • Baking powder 1 teaspoon

For the Ganache

  • Heavy cream 33% fat 300 ml (10.5 ounces)
  • Chocolate 75% cocoa 300 grams (10.5 ounces) (You can use half dark and half milk chocolate)
  • Butter 45 grams (1.5 ounces)
  • Zest of 1 orange


  • Fresh raspberries


  • Mixing Bowl

    Essential for combining your ingredients smoothly.

  • Tart Tin (24 cm or about 9.5 inches)

    Ensures even baking and a beautifully formed tart.

  • Oven

    Preheat to 180°C (356°F) to get that perfect golden crust.

  • Heatproof Bowl

    Ideal for melting chocolate and mixing the ganache.

  • Spatula

    Helps achieve a smooth consistency in your chocolate ganache.


Step 1

Making the Pastry Base

Combine flour, powdered sugar, soft butter, 1 egg, and baking powder.
Work the dough until smooth.
Press the dough into a tart tin (24 cm or about 9.5 inches).
Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C (356°F) until golden.

Step 2

Preparing the Ganache

Heat the heavy cream until it's close to boiling.
Pour the hot cream over the chocolate pieces, let sit for a minute, then mix until smooth.
Add the soft butter and orange zest into the chocolate mixture.
Stir until the butter is fully incorporated.

Step 3

Assembling the Tart

Pour the chocolate ganache over the baked pastry base.
Let it cool slightly before arranging the fresh raspberries on top.
Chill in the fridge until the ganache is set.
Enjoy your delicious Raspberry Chocolate Tart!


Transform your Raspberry Chocolate Tart into a true showstopper with these sublime serving suggestions! 🌟 Slice the tart into **generous wedges** and plate them individually. Add a dollop of freshly whipped cream on the side for an extra touch of luxury. Feeling fancy? 💕 Top each slice with a sprinkling of powdered sugar and a mint leaf for a pop of color. To elevate your tart to the next level, serve each portion with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The combination of warm, rich ganache and cool ice cream will win hearts! Hosting a party? Serve the tart alongside a **variety of fresh fruits** like strawberries, blueberries, or kiwi slices. The tartness of the fruit perfectly balances the rich, creamy ganache.


Want to cater to everyone, including those with dietary restrictions? Here are some delightful variations! 🥰 Gluten-Free Option: Swap the regular flour with your favorite gluten-free flour blend. Follow the rest of the steps as is, and you'll have a gluten-free treat that's just as amazing. Vegan Version: Replace the butter in the pastry base and ganache with vegan butter. Opt for dark chocolate that's dairy-free and use coconut cream instead of heavy cream. Don't forget to use a flax egg (1 tablespoon flaxseed meal + 3 tablespoons water) instead of the regular egg.


  • Why is my pastry base too crumbly?

    Make sure to measure your ingredients accurately and to properly mix the dough until it's smooth.

  • How do I know if my ganache is the right consistency?

    Your ganache should be silky and shiny. If it's too thick, add a bit more warm cream; if it's too thin, let it cool slightly before using.

  • Can I use white chocolate for the ganache?

    Yes, but remember to adjust the cream-to-chocolate ratio as white chocolate is softer.

  • Can I make this tart in advance?

    Absolutely! Prepare and assemble the tart a day ahead, and store it in the fridge until serving time.

  • How do I keep the raspberries fresh?

    Place the raspberries on the tart just before serving to keep them freshest and juiciest.

  • Can I freeze the tart?

    Yes, you can freeze the tart without the raspberries. Thaw it in the fridge overnight and add fresh raspberries before serving.

Nutrition facts

Raspberry Chocolate Tart: A Perfect Combo
Recipe Yield:10 servings
Calories:Approx. 375 calories per serving
Calories (Min - Max):350 - 400
Total Fat:27g
Saturated Fat:16g
Total Carbohydrate:28g
Total Sugars:15g