

  • 1 sheet puff pastry
  • 5 pcs pears
  • 200 grams (7.1 ounces) ricotta
  • 100 grams (3.5 ounces) gorgonzola or brie
  • Honey to taste
  • 1 egg yolk


  • Rolling Pin

    A high-quality rolling pin ensures your puff pastry sheet is evenly rolled. For the best results, use a chilled rolling pin to keep the dough cool.

  • Baking Sheet

    A non-stick or parchment-lined baking sheet is essential to prevent your galette from sticking and to ensure even baking.

  • Fork

    You'll need a fork to pierce the pastry, avoiding any bubbling and ensuring a crisp, flaky crust.

  • Pastry Brush

    Achieve a golden-brown finish on your pastry edges by using a pastry brush to apply the egg yolk.

  • Wire Rack

    Allow your galette to cool evenly by placing it on a wire rack immediately after baking.


Step 1

**Roll out the puff pastry into a sheet.** If using frozen puff pastry, make sure it’s fully thawed before you start.

Step 2

**Make cuts around the edges to create a frame-like border, then pierce the center with a fork.** This prevents the center from puffing up too much during baking.

Step 3

**Spread a layer of ricotta cheese over the pastry, smoothing it out evenly.**

Step 4

**Slice the pears and arrange them over the ricotta.** Try to slice the pears uniformly for an even bake.

Step 5

**Dice the Brie or Gorgonzola cheese and scatter it over the pears.** For a milder flavor, opt for Brie; for something stronger, go for Gorgonzola.

Step 6

**Brush the edges (the border) with egg yolk.** This will give the crust a beautiful golden color.

Step 7

**Bake at 180°C (350°F) for 25 minutes.** Keep an eye on it; ovens can vary, and you want a golden brown color.

Step 8

**Once baked, cool on a wire rack.** Cooling on a wire rack helps prevent the bottom from getting soggy.

Step 9

**Before serving, drizzle with fresh honey for an extra touch of indulgence.** Serve immediately for the best texture and flavor.


Serving Suggestions 🍽️

This galette is a versatile delight, suitable for a variety of occasions. For an afternoon tea gathering, serve it with a pot of Earl Grey to complement the flavors beautifully.

If you're hosting dinner guests, elevate the experience by offering a spoonful of vanilla ice cream or a dollop of fresh whipped cream on the side. This adds a cool, creamy contrast to the warm, flaky pastry. 🥧🍨

Feeling festive? Drizzle an extra swirl of honey and sprinkle some crushed nuts like walnuts or pistachios for added texture and flair. 🍯🌰

Pairing it with a sparkling wine or a crisp, dry cider can also turn your humble galette into a sophisticated end to a meal. 🥂🍏


Gluten-Free and Vegan Variations 🌱🍰

For those avoiding gluten, simply substitute a gluten-free puff pastry. Most stores now offer excellent options that bake up just as flaky and delicious.

Going vegan? No problem! Replace the ricotta and brie/gorgonzola with vegan cheese alternatives. Brands like Kite Hill offer great dairy-free ricotta, and Miyoko's Creamery makes a fantastic vegan blue cheese. Instead of egg yolk, use a plant-based milk like almond or soy milk to brush the edges. 🌿🥛

Don't forget to check that your puff pastry is also vegan – many might contain butter or milk powder. Look for labels that explicitly state vegan-friendly ingredients. 🌾🍃


  • Why is my puff pastry soggy in the middle?

    This can happen if the filling is too wet or if the pastry wasn't docked sufficiently. Make sure to pierce it well with a fork.

  • Can I use canned pears instead of fresh?

    Absolutely, but drain them thoroughly to ensure your pastry doesn't get soggy.

  • Should I use Brie or Gorgonzola for a more robust flavor?

    Gorgonzola has a stronger, tangier taste that pairs wonderfully with pears, whereas Brie offers a milder, creamier texture.

  • What's the best way to store leftovers?

    Keep any leftover galette in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat in a low oven to maintain the crispy texture.

  • Can I make the puff pastry from scratch?

    Yes, homemade puff pastry offers unbeatable flavor and texture. Just make sure to keep it cold at all times during preparation.

  • What can I do to make the edges of my galette prettier?

    Try crimping or twisting the edges of the pastry before baking not only for an attractive finish but also for added texture.

Nutrition facts

Savory pear and gorgonzola galette
Recipe Yield:6 servings
Calories:Approx. 320-350 calories per serving
Calories (Min - Max):320 - 350
Total Fat:20g
Saturated Fat:12g
Total Carbohydrate:28g
Total Sugars:14g