
Easter Cheesecake

  • 540 grams (19 ounces) cottage cheese
  • 3 large egg yolks
  • 100 grams (3.5 ounces) powdered sugar
  • 50 grams (1.75 ounces) butter at room temperature
  • 30 grams (1 ounce) white chocolate
  • 50 grams (1.75 ounces) milk chocolate
  • 60 grams (2.1 ounces) dark chocolate
  • 140 milliliters (1/2 cup) whipping cream


  • Mixing Bowl

    A sturdy mixing bowl is essential to combine all your ingredients smoothly. Opt for stainless steel for easy cleaning and durability.

  • Hand Mixer

    This will help you achieve that smooth, creamy texture for the cheese mixture. A stand mixer with a paddle attachment can also be used.

  • Saucepan

    Use a heavy-bottomed saucepan to avoid scorching when heating the cheese mixture over low heat. Consistent stirring is key!

  • Gauze

    Pre-soaked in warm water, gauze helps in shaping the cheese cake and draining excess liquid. You can find it in most grocery stores.

  • Special Mold

    Opt for a mold designed for cheesecakes or a similar container that allows liquid to drain and shapes the cake beautifully.


Step 1

In a large bowl, mix together the cottage cheese, powdered sugar, butter, and egg yolks. Use a mixer to whip everything until smooth. Ensure your ingredients are at room temperature for a smoother mixture.

Step 2

Transfer the mixture to a saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until hot but not boiling. Keep a close eye on the mixture to prevent it from boiling, which can alter the texture.

Step 3

Divide the hot cheese mixture into three uneven parts: a small, medium, and large portion.

Step 4

Melt each type of chocolate separately. Add the white chocolate to the smallest cheese mixture, the milk chocolate to the middle-sized mixture, and the dark chocolate to the largest mixture. Mix thoroughly.

Step 5

In a separate bowl, whip the very cold heavy cream to medium peaks. Divide it into three parts and gently fold each part into the corresponding cheese-chocolate mixtures. Make sure the whipped cream is cold to achieve the best volume and texture.

Step 6

Prepare a special mold for draining by placing it over a saucepan. Cover the inside of the mold with gauze that has been soaked in warm water and wrung out.

Step 7

Layer the three cheese mixtures into the mold, starting with the dark chocolate mixture, then the milk chocolate mixture, and finally the white chocolate mixture.

Step 8

Cover the top with gauze and place the mold in the refrigerator for about 2 days. Every 12 hours, drain any excess liquid that has collected in the saucepan.

Step 9

After 2 days, remove the cheesecake from the fridge. Unwrap the top gauze and carefully invert the mold onto a serving dish.

Step 10

Carefully remove the mold and the remaining gauze. Decorate the cheesecake as desired. Consider adding fresh berries, nuts, or chocolate shavings for an attractive presentation.


This Easter Cheese Cake pairs wonderfully with fresh berries or a fruity coulis, giving a burst of freshness that complements the rich, chocolaty layers. For an added touch of elegance, sprinkle some edible flowers or nuts on top.

Consider accompanying your dessert with a steaming cup of coffee or a refreshing mint tea. The combination of creamy, sweet cheesecake with a hot beverage creates a delightful balance.

If you’re hosting a larger gathering, why not create a dessert platter? Add mini tartlets, assorted cookies, and fresh fruit alongside slices of your Easter Cheese Cake for a visually stunning, varied dessert offering.


For a gluten-free variation, ensure that all your ingredients are certified gluten-free. Most chocolates and dairy are safe, but always check the labels to avoid contamination.

To make this Easter Cheese Cake vegan, substitute the cottage cheese with a plant-based alternative, use vegan egg yolk replacements, and choose dairy-free butter and chocolate. Whipping coconut cream instead of regular whipping cream can add a delightful twist as well.


  • How do I avoid lumps in the cheese mixture?

    Ensure that the butter is at room temperature and mix thoroughly until the texture is smooth before heating.

  • Can I use just one type of chocolate?

    Yes, you can, but using three types of chocolate adds depth to the flavor and visual appeal.

  • How do I know when the cheese mixture is hot enough?

    The mixture should be steaming but not boiling. Stir constantly to prevent curdling and heating too rapidly.

  • What's the best way to whip the cream for this recipe?

    Use very cold cream and a chilled mixing bowl. Whip until medium peaks form to ensure the perfect texture.

  • How can I ensure the finished cake will release from the mold cleanly?

    Make sure to soak the gauze in warm water before using it and handle the mold carefully when removing the cheesecake.

  • Can I prepare this cake in advance?

    Yes, you can prepare it two days ahead and store it in the fridge. This allows the flavors to meld beautifully!

Nutrition facts

Three chocolate Easter cheese cake
Recipe Yield:10 servings
Calories:Per serving
Calories (Min - Max):300 - 400
Total Fat:23g
Saturated Fat:14g
Total Carbohydrate:22g
Total Sugars:19g