

300 grams (10.6 ounces) cottage cheese
1 egg yolk
40 grams (1.4 ounces) sugar
35 grams (1.2 ounces) butter
15 grams (0.5 ounces) white chocolate
20 grams (0.7 ounces) milk chocolate
25 grams (0.9 ounces) dark chocolate
50 grams (1.8 ounces) sour cream
We recommend:


Step 1

1. Mash the cottage cheese, egg yolk, butter, and sugar together using a submersible blender until you achieve a smooth consistency. Make sure the cottage cheese is well drained to avoid excess moisture.

Step 2

2. Transfer the mixture into a saucepan and heat over low heat. Stir constantly until the mixture is hot but make sure it doesn't boil. Use a thick-bottomed pan to ensure even heating and prevent scorching.

Step 3

3. Once heated, add the sour cream and mix well.

Step 4

4. Divide the cottage cheese mixture into three unequal parts. Mix the smallest portion with white chocolate, the medium portion with milk chocolate, and the largest portion with dark chocolate. Grate the chocolates or melt them slightly to help them incorporate better.

Step 5

5. Set the mold upside down and cover it with damp gauze. Layer the mixtures in the mold in the following order: white chocolate, milk chocolate, and then dark chocolate. Press each layer down gently to avoid air pockets.

Step 6

6. Cover the top with gauze and place a weight on it. Refrigerate overnight. A small plate can be used as a weight to help compact the layers evenly.

Step 7

7. The next day, remove the dessert from the mold. Some liquid will remain in the cup.

Step 8

8. Remove the gauze and decorate the dessert with melted chocolate. Cut into slices and enjoy! Use a sharp knife heated in hot water for clean cuts.


Imagine serving this beauty at your next dinner party—each layer of chocolate adding its unique flair! Add a drizzle of melted chocolate for extra indulgence, or pair it with a dollop of whipped cream for an airy contrast. Fresh berries can add a delightful tartness, balancing the creamy and sweet flavors of the dessert. Feeling adventurous? Sprinkle some finely chopped nuts or edible gold flakes on top for that extra touch of sophistication. For a refreshing twist, serve each slice with a scoop of vanilla or mint ice cream. Don't forget the presentation—arrange each portion on a delicate dessert plate, maybe even dust it lightly with powdered sugar or cocoa powder, making every bite as visually appealing as it is delicious. Happy serving!



For a gluten-free version, ensure the chocolates you use are certified gluten-free. Most chocolates are naturally gluten-free, but it’s always good to check the labels for any hidden gluten sources. If you need a vegan alternative, replace the butter with a vegan butter substitute and the sour cream with a plant-based version. Choose vegan chocolate varieties for each layer, and use a flaxseed or chia seed mixture as a substitute for the egg yolk. The final result will be just as delicious and creamy as the original!


  • What if I don't have a submersible blender?

    You can use a regular blender or food processor, just make sure to blend everything until smooth. Pour the mixture back into the saucepan to heat.

  • Can I use low-fat cottage cheese?

    Yes, but it might slightly alter the texture and creaminess of the dessert. Full-fat options usually yield a richer result.

  • How do I prevent the layers from mixing?

    Make sure each layer has slightly cooled before adding the next. This allows them to set slightly and helps keep the layers distinct.

  • What can I use instead of gauze?

    Cheesecloth can be a great alternative. If you don't have either, a very fine strainer or even a clean, fine mesh cloth can work.

  • How can I make the chocolate layer even more intense?

    Add a bit of instant coffee granules to the dark chocolate layer. It enhances the chocolate flavor without making it taste like coffee.

  • What if my dessert doesn't set properly?

    Ensure you refrigerate it overnight with sufficient weight on top. Sometimes, leaving it for an extra few hours or replacing the weight with something heavier can help it set better.

Nutrition facts

Three chocolate Easter cheese dessert
Recipe Yield:8 servings
Calories:per serving
Calories (Min - Max):150 - 200
Total Fat:12g
Saturated Fat:7g
Total Carbohydrate:10g
Total Sugars:8g