Delicious Berry Cheesecake with a Twist


For the Base

  • Puff pastry - 17.5 ounces (about 1.1 pounds)
  • Fresh berries - 8.8-10.5 ounces (about 0.5-0.6 pounds) for decoration
  • Berry puree/jam/preserve - 3.5 ounces (about 0.2 pounds)

For the Filling

  • Cottage cheese - 10.5 ounces (about 0.6 pounds)
  • Heavy cream - 3.5 ounces (about 0.2 pounds)
  • Powdered sugar - 2-3 tablespoons


  • Rolling Pin

    Essential for rolling out your puff pastry to an even thickness. *Tip: Lightly dust your rolling surface with flour to prevent sticking.*

  • Baking Dish

    Choose a baking dish that evenly distributes heat. *Tip: A non-stick dish can make removal easier.*

  • Fork

    Used to prick the pastry to prevent it from puffing up too much. *Tip: Prick at 1-inch intervals for best results.*

  • Parchment Paper and Baking Weights

    Lining with parchment paper and using weights like beans or peas keeps the pastry flat while baking. *Tip: If you don't have weights, rice works too!*

  • Mixer

    Perfect for combining your filling ingredients into a smooth mixture. *Tip: Use a hand blender for an extra creamy texture.*

  • Blender

    Optional but excellent for making the cottage cheese extra smooth. *Tip: Blend at high speed for a velvety result.*


Step 1

Preparing the Base

Roll out the puff pastry, then transfer it to a baking dish.
Prick the surface of the pastry all over with a fork.
Line the pastry with parchment paper and place weights on top, like beans or peas, to prevent it from rising while baking.
Bake in a preheated oven at 392°F (about 200°C) for ~30 minutes. After 10 minutes, remove the parchment paper and weights, and continue baking until golden brown.

Step 2

Preparing the Filling

Combine cottage cheese, heavy cream, and powdered sugar. Use a mixer until well mixed. For a smoother texture, blend the cottage cheese with a blender.

Step 3

Assembling the Cheesecake

Allow the baked base to cool completely.
Spread the cottage cheese filling over the base.
Top with berry puree/jam/preserve.
Decorate with fresh berries.
Enjoy your delicious creation! 💔


Serving Suggestions & Ideas

When it comes to serving this dreamy Berry Cheesecake Pastry, the possibilities are endless! Here are a few fun and tasty ideas to elevate your dessert game:

💫 Festive Gatherings: Impress your guests by serving the pastry on a beautiful cake stand, adorned with extra fresh berries and a dusting of powdered sugar. Top it off with a sprig of mint for a pop of color and added freshness.

Afternoon Tea: Pair slices with a pot of your favorite tea. The light flakiness of the puff pastry and the rich filling are a perfect match for both black and herbal teas.

🍦 A la Mode: Take it up a notch by serving it warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The contrast between the warm pastry and the cold ice cream is simply heavenly.

🥂 Special Occasions: Celebrate with a glass of sparkling wine or champagne. The bubbles complement the creamy and fruity notes beautifully.


🌱 Gluten-Free and Vegan Variations 🌱

Gluten-Free: Swap the regular puff pastry with a gluten-free version. There are excellent store-bought options, or you can make your own! Ensure that all other ingredients are certified gluten-free.

Vegan: Replace the heavy cream and cottage cheese with vegan alternatives like coconut cream and cashew cheese. Opt for a vegan puff pastry as well, and use a plant-based jam or fruit puree.

With these simple swaps, everyone at your table can enjoy every delicious bite! 🥄🍓


  • Do I need to thaw the puff pastry before using it?

    Yes, it's best to thaw the puff pastry in the fridge overnight or at room temperature for about 30-40 minutes until it's pliable. This makes it easier to roll out evenly.

  • Can I use different types of berries?

    Absolutely! Feel free to experiment with strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, or a mix. Just ensure they are fresh and well-cleaned.

  • What can I substitute for heavy cream in the filling?

    If you're looking for a lighter option, you can use half-and-half or even Greek yogurt. For a dairy-free alternative, coconut cream works wonderfully.

  • How do I prevent the filling from being too runny?

    Make sure to drain any excess liquid from the cottage cheese and use chilled heavy cream. Mixing well will also help to achieve a thicker consistency.

  • Can I make the base ahead of time?

    Yes, you can bake the pastry base up to 1 day in advance. Just store it in an airtight container to keep it crisp.

  • How do I store leftovers?

    Store any leftovers in the fridge, covered with plastic wrap or in an airtight container. They will keep well for up to 2 days.

Nutrition facts

Delicious Berry Cheesecake with a Twist
Recipe Yield:8 servings
Calories:Approximately 325 calories per serving
Calories (Min - Max):300 - 350
Total Fat:20g
Saturated Fat:12g
Total Carbohydrate:25g
Total Sugars:15g