

  • 80 grams (1/3 cup) cream (with at least 33% fat content)
  • 20 grams (1 tablespoon) glucose
  • 60 grams (2.1 ounces) Dorblu cheese
  • 180 grams (6.3 ounces) white chocolate
  • 25 grams (1.75 tablespoons) butter
  • 30 grams (1/4 cup) walnuts


  • Mixing Bowl

    Ensure you have a sturdy mixing bowl that can handle hot ingredients. Stainless steel is a great choice as it retains the heat well.

  • Saucepan

    Use a medium-sized, heavy-bottomed saucepan to heat the cream evenly without scorching it. A non-stick option can help with easy cleanup.

  • Whisk

    A good whisk is essential for blending ingredients smoothly. Look for one with a comfortable grip to make the mixing process easier on your hands.

  • Sieve

    A fine-mesh sieve is ideal for draining excess liquid from the caramelized pears, ensuring your ganache stays smooth and not watery.

  • Baking Sheet

    Use a high-quality baking sheet to cool your ingredients evenly. Consider using parchment paper for easy removal and cleanup.

  • Plastic Wrap

    Covering your ganache with plastic wrap directly on its surface prevents a skin from forming and keeps it fresh while it chills.


Step 1

Step 1: Heat the cream until it's hot but not boiling. Add the glucose and stir until fully dissolved.Make sure to stir continuously to prevent scorching.

Step 2

Step 2: Pour the hot cream and glucose mixture over the white chocolate. Add the finely chopped roasted walnuts and let it sit for 2 minutes.Chopping the walnuts finely ensures even distribution and better texture.

Step 3

Step 3: Stir the mixture until smooth. Add the Dorblu cheese and the pre-mashed butter. Stir until the mixture is completely smooth. Cover with cling film directly touching the surface and refrigerate overnight.This ensures a silky smooth consistency and prevents a skin from forming on the ganache.

Step 4

Step 4: Cut the pears into cubes and simmer them with butter and a little caramel until they soften. Place the caramelized pears on a sieve to drain the excess liquid.Draining the pears ensures they won't make your pastry soggy.

Step 5

Step 5: Fill the macarons or éclairs with the ganache. Place a couple of pear pieces and a couple of tiny cheese pieces in the middle. You can replace the pears with white grapes for a different flavor.Experiment with different fruits to find your favorite combination.Refrigerating filled pastries for a bit will help the flavors meld together beautifully.


This luxurious ganache pastry pairs perfectly with a variety of beverages and settings. Serve it as an elegant dessert post-dinner, paired with a glass of crisp white wine that complements the dorblu cheese and pears. Hosting a high-tea session? These ganache-filled delights would add an unexpected gourmet twist to your assortment of sweet treats.

For a more casual affair, consider serving them as a centerpiece at a weekend brunch. Their rich flavor and beautiful presentation make them an instant conversation starter. If you're feeling adventurous, try garnishing with a sprinkle of sea salt or a drizzle of honey to elevate the flavor profile even further.

These pastries also make for a thoughtful handmade gift. Nestle them in a box lined with parchment paper, and gift them to friends and family. Their unique combination of flavors is sure to leave a lasting impression and earn you plenty of compliments!


If you're looking for a gluten-free variation, ensure that all the ingredients, especially the white chocolate and butter, are certified gluten-free. Check labels carefully to avoid cross-contamination.

For a vegan version, swap out the cream with a plant-based alternative like coconut cream, and use vegan white chocolate. Choose a vegan butter substitute, and replace the dorblu cheese with a vegan cheese that has a strong flavor, such as a cashew-based blue cheese. Ensure all other ingredients align with your dietary preferences.


  • Can I use milk instead of cream for the ganache?

    No, milk won't provide the same rich texture. It's important to use cream with at least 33% fat content.

  • Do I need to refrigerate the ganache overnight?

    Yes, refrigerating it overnight helps the ganache set properly, making it easier to use as a filling.

  • Can I use any other type of cheese?

    You can experiment with other types of creamy blue cheese, but dorblu adds a unique taste that complements the ganache perfectly.

  • How do I know when the caramelized pears are done?

    The pears should be soft but still hold their shape. Caramelization adds a subtle sweetness and a bit of a glossy finish.

  • What other fruits can I use instead of pears?

    White grapes are an excellent alternative. They offer a different texture and sweetness that pairs well with the ganache and cheese.

  • How do I store leftover ganache-filled pastries?

    Store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Bring them to room temperature before serving for the best flavor and texture.

Nutrition facts

Recipe Yield:12 servings
Calories:200 calories per serving
Calories (Min - Max):180 - 220
Total Fat:15g
Saturated Fat:8g
Total Carbohydrate:14g
Total Sugars:12g